AND….that’s a wrap! We’ve chatted with editors and authors and readers across the country on our random hodge-podge book tour from New York City, to Brown, to Milwaukee and Madison and down to Houston!
Here are our top highlights:
1) Brown alums of all ages buying our book for their graduating daughters and nieces
2) A relative of Rachel’s rubbing her abs and saying, “Sam Singer had abs! A woman never forgets abs!”
3) A reader telling us that after she read our book, she immediately bought it for her best friend living across the country
4) Wandering through Madison’s sunny college campus while students sunbathed by the lake
5) Running into Chris O’Dowd during our first night in New York (and he asked US to take a picture of HIM – see below)
6) Waking up at 4am to be on the local news
7) Being asked brilliant questions by Emily Wuderlich, Claire Hanan, Katie Vaughan and Evan Wetmore
8) Running into old acquaintances at Brown
9) Stumbling across a group of puppies for sale (the dream!) outside of a Barnes and Noble
10) Getting to catch-up with our friends who live all across the US
11) Rediscovering the joys of America (Target, free refills, large refrigerators, air-conditioning, enthusiasm, and flip flops)
12) Experiencing the “tropical” contrast of Houston’s weather to chilly London
13) Getting to meet previously unknown readers of our book!
Until next time, America –
Jess and Rachel
P.S. Routine blogging commences this week! Stay tuned, because we’re back! Also, we left little postcards with our book alllll over America. Let us know if you find one – send a photo of you with one (there may be prizes..!)